Sunday, June 22, 2014

I love a good party.

Alright, y'all.  I made it!  Teachers have one more day of school here in DC on Monday, but we're all done with the childrens.  I'd be lying to your face if I said this wasn't an incredibly difficult year, for a wide variety of reasons, but we finally made it through.  I just have one more day of classroom packing, and then it's summa time.  Wooooooo!

Once again, to celebrate a glorious end to the school year and an all around great weekend I'm linking up with one of my blog crushes, Michelle over at Fabulous in First for her Sunday Smorgasbord.  (By the way, I literally always have to say the word "smorgasbord" really slowly as I type it so I don't misspell it.)

Without any more rambling, here are my Sunday randoms.
I've got World Cup fever!  Y'all I get so dang excited about the World Cup...almost as excited as I do for the Olympics.  Maybe even a little more excited because it happens less often?  I love global competition.  Today, we're going to a neighborhood watering hole to watch the US/Portugal game and I'm so darn excited.  Can you hastag in a blog post?  Because I'm so into #1nation1team it's not even funny.  

As I shared in an earlier blog post, I'm switching schools AND grade levels for this upcoming school year.  The amount of things I don't know about what I'm doing come September gives me daily anxiety, and I was honestly just thinking the other day about whether I had made the right choice, and then yesterday I got a little care package from my new school.  It was the sweetest thing.  I came home from a board meeting and I saw that there was a package outside our door.  I hadn't ordered anything lately, and I didn't think Mr. Spouse had either.  I picked it up and the return address was my new school, so I figured they had mailed some forms to fill out and a welcome letter, but I looked inside and it was full of swag!  It was so cute!  There was a letter from the principal, letters from current students welcoming me to the staff, some school swag, and 2 books to read!  I'm already about 50 pages into this book, and I can't get enough.  Hubs has tried to talk to me multiple times today and I just keep saying "yes", "uh-huh", and "sure".  
This book is so smart and incredibly fascinating.  I would recommend it to any teacher, but ESPECIALLY to teachers in urban areas.

Sometimes I have really great ideas that turn out to be not so great.  This week's is committing my first 3 days of summer vacation to norming the DC-CAS, DC's standardized test.  I do it because generally it's pretty easy work, they pay well, it's cool to meet teachers across the district, and it gives me an interesting insight into standardized testing, even though I've never taught a testing grade.  However, I now have had more exciting offers come my way and wish I could do funner things the first 3 days of break than norm a test.  #liveandlearn

As I mentioned earlier, I'm going to be teaching the kinderbabes next year.  Almost all of the teacher blogs I currently follow are aimed at the 1st/2nd grade band.  A few outliers here and there (Fifth in the Middle, Oh Boy Fourth Grade), but I'm looking for really excellent kinder blogs to follow as I only have a few on the roll right now.  I currently follow Cara Carroll at The First Grade Parade, Tara at Little Minds at Work, Greg at Smedley's Smorgasbord, Hadar at Miss Kindergarten and Elizabeth at Kickin' It in Kindergarten.  I'm pretty sure those are the only kinder blogs I follow.  I'd love some more suggestions!  I feel like reading about other K teachers will help easy my anxiety.  =)

Enjoy the rest of this lovely Sunday, and if  you still have nuggets to teach this week I hope they are calm and mellow!


  1. Hello!
    I, too, am switching schools this year! I just completed 9 (of my 24) at one school and I thought it was about time to make a change. Unlike you, though... I'm staying in first.
    How lovely to receive a welcome package from your new school. That's such an awesome idea and I know it helped to resolve a bit of your anxiety. Enjoy your summer!

  2. I like Mrs. Will's Kingergarten blog!
