I hope your Sunday morning is as beautiful as ours is here in DC! It's the first truly cold morning of the fall, but I'm almost done with my first cup of coffee, I have a load of laundry in, the sun is streaming through our kitchen/living room windows, and all the boys (hubs included) are taking a nap, so I'm the boss of myself for the next 45-ish minutes. Since I'm already 24 hours late, let's just get right down to it, shall we?
I live in DC, but I grew up in Cincinnati. I love, love, LOVE Cincinnati, in a way that I don't think most people love their hometown. I am also a fan of all Cincinnati teams, including the Bearcats. Both of my parents went to UC, so we were raised as Bearcat fans. The biggest struggle about living in DC is out of market games (thank you, DirectTV for NFL Sunday Ticket), so last night I was super stoked to watch UC play USF. I thought it would be a close, competitive game, but that UC would win. Whomp, whomp, whomp. Was I ever wrong! They were down 21 in the first quarter, and it didn't really get any better at all ever. Finally, at halftime, I had to give up. The hubs and I watched shows off the DVR instead. It was bad, y'all. The final score was 65-27. Yowza. But, on the upside, I unloaded the dishwasher, did all the dishes, and did two loads of baby laundry because the game was so bad. Everything has a silver lining, right?
Can you BELIEVE Thanksgiving is next week?! I'm sure those of you who are in the classroom can, and feel like it can't come soon enough, but I feel like it's sneaking up on me out of nowhere. We still don't even have a plan for Thanksgiving. We used to always do Friendsgiving, but most of our friends we did that with have moved back to The Good Land. Last year, we went to North Carolina to have Thanksgiving with my cousin and her family, which was really nice, but we still haven't committed to anything for this year. It feels like Thanksgiving is still 3 weeks away.
True confession: I am on day 11 (eleven!?) of the 21 Day Fix, and I STILL want to eat crap all the time. I mean, I'm not because of said Fix, but whoever said that you just stop craving things is a liar. Or, in my true soul, I'm just a fat kid. I'd honestly say both are equally probable. I used to think the hardest part about dieting would be giving up the booze, but since I was pregnant last year that's not enough it. It's the delicious, but terrible for you food, like burgers and nachos.
Based on some Scopes that I've rewatched recently (because I can't catch a darn thing live. Babies.), it seems like people are interested in planning materials. It's my goal to have a Scope up by Thanksgiving on how I plan (#crossyourfingers), but I'll add my materials as freebies to my TpT store regardless by the end of the weekend. To answer some base questions, no, I didn't have to turn in plans, no, we didn't use a reading series, and no, I didn't plan with my team. We planned units together, but our daily plans we did on our own. Here's a shot of what a week of plans looked like. N
Normally, there's more typing and less handwriting, but this is just a general glance. Time of day goes down the side, Day across the top, and I usually put in the teaching point and any important reminders in the box for that day.
One last true confession for y'all. For about two weeks now, I have been working my tail off to NOT listen to holiday music. And, at the same time, Pandora has been working so hard to get me to listen. They suggested a Michael Buble Holiday station to me (which I should probably create), and they keep telling me about how they've added new content to my already existing holiday stations. I also realize that I might have too many holiday radio stations. Is that a thing? Can you have too many?
This time next weekend I will certainly be listening to at least one of those stations. =)
Have a great weekend, and a happy Thanksgiving!
The holiday music struggle is real! I'm listening to a Sufjan Stevens christmas album right now :) There's literally snow falling right snow so I'm telling myself it's okay. Have a great weekend!
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