Hello, sweet friends!
I hope that everyone is doing well! It has been an insanely ridiculous amount of time since I have last updated this little blog of mine, but first we moved and then it took Verizon 138945309 years to install our internet. (To be perfectly honest, we still don't have internet. I'm staying at school late today because enough is enough.)
I don't know about y'all, but I am ready for spring! We just had a snow day yesterday (Snow Patrick's Day), and I am about finished with the cold. Mid-March is time for weather to start getting warmer and flowers to start blooming. Not for 6 to 8 inches of snow to be dumped on my city.
So, I was inspired by the amazing Katie King (who you might know as the Queen of the First Grade Jungle) in this post to admit something to you all: I have not been teaching math the way I should this year. I've rationalized it a ton of different ways, but the bottom line is I need to raise the bar, both for my kids and myself. I'm part of a fellowship this year, and now in our third cycle we're studying formative assessment so for the rest of this math unit I'm going to assess my kids in some way every day--exit ticket, mini-quiz, journal response. But every day I'm going to hit those kids with some type of check in and then I'm going to reteach the one who aren't getting it the very next day during math work stations. I'll be trying to update the blog 2-3 times a week with details about how it's going, and hopefully some freebies that you can use as well in your own class. Hopefully we can all learn something. I believe that teachers sharing ideas with each other makes everyone better.
I hope that you're all staying warm and getting ready for spring!