Sunday, November 3, 2013

How is it time for another Currently again?!

Hello, friends!  I can't believe it, but somehow both my calendar and my Bloglovin' feed are telling me that it's time for another Currently, so here we go.

Listening:  my in-laws were in town visiting this weekend (hence the NASCAR), so I've been trying to balance being a good hostess and preparing for school.

Loving:  ah, fall!  Yesterday, for my MIL's birthday we went out to some VA wineries and it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!  Crisp sunny day, fire pits out to stay warm, gorgeous fall colors, and excellent company.

Thinking: even though yesterday was a great day I really neglected school this week/weekend.  I've been meaning to put a new Fundations product on TpT for almost a month.  :/

Wanting:  seriously.  Who does NOT always want a 3 day weekend?!  I mean, sometimes it feels more necessary than other times, but I feel like teaching is definitely one of those professions where you hardly ever feel caught up.  Or maybe that's just me?!?  (Please say it's not!)

Needing:  as I've been feeling a time crunch lately I've also been thinking a lot about this gem from my childhood.  God, Saved by the Bell--you were such a great show.  But really, I think the only better than this clip is that when I went to search YouTube for it as I was typing in "saved by the bell", You Tube auto supplied "saved by the bell i'm so excited".  What's even better is that the clip is titled "Jessie Spano Caffeine Pill Freakout".  Everything about this is completely awesome.  

A Yummy Pin: Y'all.  THIS pin is so flippin' delicious you won't be able to stand yourself.  It's so delicious you'll want to lick the pan.  And it will probably leave you leftovers as well.  Or maybe I just always end up with a mound of leftovers because it's just me and the hubs?  Either way.  Make it.  Love it.  

Happy Sunday, y'all.


  1. love {love, love} Saved By the Bell... and that chicken enchilada pasta looks to DIE for!

  2. I have been wishing for a 3 day weekend since September! I'm looking forward to my three day weekend next weekend :-)

    My Crazy Life
