Thursday, January 1, 2015

Well, hello, 2015!

Where did 2014 go?!  I can't believe that it's January 1st already.  But there are a lot of truths in my life that I can't believe right now.  We can just add that to the list.

The new job really stuck it to the blog in the latter half of 2014, but I'm hoping that now that I have my feet more underneath me that I'll be back in business more consistently here.  To kick off 2015, I'm joining up with one of my favorite monthly linky parties--Farley's Currently.

The other thing that really stuck it to the blog in the end of 2014 was finding out that Mr. Spouse and I are not only pregnant, but that we're expecting twins.  That's right--two babies at one time.  To be clear, that's twice as many babies as we have now.  I keep telling myself that the upside of going from zero to two is that we'll never know how having two at once is different from having just one.  Right??  Or maybe I'm just deluding myself?  Who knows?  Well, I guess I will after these babies join us.

I hope that your New Year was grand, and that 2015 is off to a great start for everyone.  I plan to be around here much more often sharing ideas, tips, and ridiculous anecdotes.  (Have you ever talked to a kindergartener?!)  My goal is two times a week.  You might even call it a resolution.  ;)  Have a great New Year's Day, y'all!


  1. Oh, my! Congratulations on your TWO precious babies. That's big news. I know what you mean about working smarter, not harder. I know I'm not as efficient as I could be. Happy New Year!
    Laughter and Consistency

  2. Congratulations on twins! I have enough trouble finding time to blog with no kids in the house! (My baby is 21 and just finished college.) Don't blink - it happens fast!

    I have a feeling 2015 will be fabulous for you, with your double blessing!

    Sally from Elementary Matters

  3. Congratulations! What a great thing - twins! I enjoyed your blog - I agree with you about relaxing for the last few days of vacation. Then it will be back to being busy with school stuff. Have a wonderful 2015!

